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You can watch all 139 Episodes on Youtube. In this show Lord Krishna Character was played by Nitish Bhardwaj, Bheeshma was played by Mukesh Khanna, Yudhisthir, played by Gajendra Chauhan, Bhim Role was Played by Praveen Kumar, and Feroz Khan was Arjun. The Director of this serial was Ravi Chopra and its Producers were BR Chopra. The original airing consisted of a total of 94 episodes and were broadcast from 2 October 1988 to 24 June 1990 on Doordarshan. ,, ,, Mohabarat Bengali Star Jalsha Plus, Mahabharat (2013 TV series), Mahabharat Hotstar, Mahabharat (TV Series 20132014), Mahabharat Bengali Episode 19 video, Mahabharat Bangla A to Z Full. The show is based on Mahabharat- Sanskrit Epic. It was aired between 2 October 1988 to 24 June 1990 on the Doordarshan Channel.

Mahabharat is an Indian television series based on the Hindu epic Mahabharat by Ved Vyasa. Enjoy streaming of all seasons of Mahabharat on Disney+ Hotstar - one stop destination for all latest American Shows. Now Watch Free Mahabharat BR Chopra Serial Full Episodes.